Matthew's 1st Birthday |
Parklands, Cape Town |
8 March 2009 |
Matthew's first birthday was held at Clare and Vic's house and they certainly did their son proud! What fun was had by all and the food was top notch as always. The children had a great time with 2 rides and a jumping castle to play on and it wasn't just the kids who enjoyed these...
James and AJ on one of the rides
Bella on the other ride
Bella with Letitia in the background
Letitia and Peter
Father and son
Matthew and Vic
Nasty scratches from the car accident
Pilot James
Clare and Cheyenne - it was windy!
Party goers
3 Men and a little Lady
Lynn, Chelsea and Thomas
Time to eat!
Chubby and Clare

Marcia and Allan
Some of Vic's family
Mother and son
Clare and Matthew
Fun on the jumping castle
James and Bella
I'm off - these people are wild!
Bella and the 2 James's
Bella and Chelsea
Matthew taking a turn
Looks like trouble in the background
Hmm - I'm in, but how do I get out?
Tony checking up on the "kids"
I'm STILL stuck
Matthew has a ride with his uncle!
Taking a load off
Chelsea photographing Bella
Bella and her Aunty Clare
Lynn, Thomas and Rob
Allan and Marcia
Rob having a 5 minute break
James and Bella
Rob tossing the kids on to the jumping castle
Rob got a good work out...
and the kids had a ball!
Chelsea waiting her turn
Bella coming round for more
Matthew playing with Granny
Lots of fun
James enjoyed opening the presies too!
The birthday boy
Lots of nice things
James and Chelsea assisting...
Tired after a long day